Design and application of metamaterials

Design and applications of metamaterials


Electromagnetic metamaterials (EM) are synthetic structures with special electromagnetic properties such as negative value of the refractive index – as postulated by Veselago. They have become an active research area because they exhibit unusual EM responses not attainable with natural materials. Some attractive application examples are in superlensing, cloaking, artificial magnetic conductance and more generally, coordinate transformation material design. As a one way to realize such functionalities, periodic or semi-periodic arrays of resonant structures such as split-ring resonators (SRRs) have been used. Second way to realize such functionalities, full 3D dielectric structure based on period 3D unit cell have been used.

To realize modeling of these structures, (distributed) circuit model-based and full EM-simulation model based have benn used.

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Design of antennas and Wireless Body Area Networks

Design of antennas and Wireless Body Area Networks


The research in the field of antenna design, which is carried out at the Institute of Electronics, is related to the development of modern wireless communication systems. These include systems designed to work in the proximity of human body. They require the development of new antenna designs and the improvement of tools for their design. Another stimulus for the development of this research area is the development of material technologies enabling the production of antennas, such as the technology of conductive textile materials.

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Institute Structure – Divisions

Medical Electronics Division

Head of the Division
prof. Piotr Szczypiński

Communications Division

Head of the Division
prof. Sławomir Hausman

Electronic Circuits and Thermography Division

Head of the Division
prof. Bogusław Więcek


Institute of Electronics
Lodz University of Technology
Al. Politechniki 10, B-9 building
93-590 Lodz, POLAND

Correspondence address

116 Żeromskiego Str.
PL 90-924 Lodz

VAT identification number: PL 727-002-18-95