Zakład Elektroniki Medycznej

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Badania / Research

Trwające projekty / Ongoing research projects:

2020 - 2022 (koniec marzec 2022) Echolokacja niewidomych - wpływ typu sygnału i kierunkowości źródła dźwięku na akustyczną lokalizację przeszkód (Echolocation by the blind - influence of signal type and directionality on acoustic localization of obstacles)
(NCN OPUS 17 - 2019 33 B ST7 02813)

Zakończone projekty / Completed research projects:

2018-2019 Echovis (NCBR - Polish Ministry of Progress grant for the Sectoral Programme GAMEINN (gaming innovations) no. POIR.01.02.00-00-0137/16.)-

2016-2018 Interaktywna sonifikacja obrazów z przeznaczeniem dla osób niewidomych (NCN 2016-2018)

2015-2018 Sound of Vision: natural sense of vision through acoustics and haptics  (EU Horizon 2020) -

2010-2013 National R&D Centre project NR02-0083-10 „System for aiding independent travel and access to urban infastrucatre for the blind and visually impairerd, integrating wireless technologies and global and local navigation systems”

2009-2010 Polish Ministry of Science project N N516 370536 "Representing 3D scenes to the blind using spatial audio"

2008-2010 Polish Ministry of Science project nr R02 01303 „Design and construction of a prototype personal navigation system for aiding the blind in independent travel in urban environments by integrating  stereovision, auditory displays, GPS and digital terrain map technologies”


Feel free to contact me by email me to discuss or request the articles.

Radecki Andrzej, Bujacz Michał, Skulimowski Piotr, Strumiłło Paweł: Interactive sonification of images in serious games as an education aid for visually impaired children. BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, 2020, rocznik 51, nr 2, s. 473-497; ISSN: 0007-1013 (DOM,PHI) 105,00/140,00p.

Skulimowski Piotr, Owczarek Mateusz, Radecki Andrzej, Bujacz Michał, Rzeszotarski Dariusz, Strumiłło Paweł: Interactive sonification of U-depth images in a navigation aid for the visually impaired. Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces, 2019, rocznik 13, nr 3, s. 219-230; ISSN: 1783-7677 (INT,-) 56,00/70,00p.

Jóźwiak Krzysztof, Bujacz Michał, Królak Aleksandra: The Design of Digital Audio Filter System used in Tomatis Method Stimulation. Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & IntelligentSystems - JAMRIS, 2019, rocznik 13, nr 1, s. 73-78; ISSN: 1897-8649 (INT,-) 40,00/40,00p.

Riviere Marc-Aurele, Gay Simon, Romeo Katerine, Pissaloux Edwige, Bujacz Michał, Skulimowski Piotr, Strumiłło Paweł; NAV-VIR: an audio-tactile virtual environment to assist visually impaired people, s.1038-1041. (INT,REF) 20,00/20,00p.

Bujacz Michał, Szyrman Marta, Górski Grzegorz, Charłampowicz Rafał, Strugarek Sławomir, Bancarewicz Adam, Trzmiel Anna, Nelec Agnieszka, Witek Piotr, Waszkielewicz Aleksander; EchoVis: Training Echolocation Using Binaural Recordings – Initial Benchmark Results. W: Computers Helping People with Special Needs. 2018, s.102-109. (MONO,INT,-) 20,00/20,00p.

Strumiłło Paweł, Bujacz Michał, Barański Przemysław, Skulimowski Piotr, Korbel Piotr, Owczarek Mateusz, Tomalczyk Krzysztof, Moldoveanu Alin, Unnthorsson Runar; Different Approaches to Aiding Blind Persons in Mobility and Navigation in the "Naviton" and "Sound of Vision" Projects. W: Mobility of Visually Impaired People. Fundamentals and ICT Assistive Technologies. 2018, s.435-468. (MONO,INT,-) 20,00/20,00p.

Strumiłło Paweł, Radecki Andrzej, Skulimowski Piotr, Bujacz Michał, Obuchowicz Marek, Borowiecka Izabela, Holak Mateusz; A mobile application for interactive sonification of images for the visually impaired, s.391-397. (INT,REF) 17,14/20,00p.

Spagnol Simone, Wersenyi György, Bujacz Michał, Bslan Oana, Herrera Martinez Marcelo, Moldoveanu Alin, Unnthorsson Runar: Current use and future perspectives of spatial audio technologies in electronic travel aids. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING, 2018, rocznik 2018, nr Special Issue, s. 1-17; ISSN: 1530-8669 (DOM,-) doi:10.1155/2018/3918284  25,00/25,00p.

Michal Bujacz, Karol Kropidlowski, Gabriel Ivanica, Alin Moldoveanu, Charalampos Saitis, Adam Csapo, György Wersenyi, Simone Spagnol, Omar I. Johannesson , Runar Unnthorsson, Mikolai Rotnicki, Piotr Witek. "Sound of Vision - Spatial Audio Output and Sonification Approaches" Computers Helping People with Special Needs Volume 9759 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2017) pp 202-209

"Usability and Effectiveness of Auditory Sensory Substitution Models for the Visually Impaired" Csapo, Adam; Spagnol, Simone; Herrera Martinez, Marcelo; Bujacz, Michal; Janeczek, Maciej; Ivanica, Gabriel; Wersényi, György; Moldoveanu, Alin; Unnthorsson, Runar AES Convention:142 (May 2017) Paper Number:9801

Bujacz, Michał and Paweł Strumiłło. "Sonification: Review of Auditory Display Solutions in Electronic Travel Aids for the Blind" Archives of Acoustics, 41.3 (2016): 401-414.

Radecki A., Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumillo P., Interactive Sonification of Color Images on Mobile Devices for Blind Persons – Preliminary Concepts and First Tests, Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon 2016) December 15-16th 2016 CITEC, Bielefeld University, Germany

Adam Łutkowski, Michał Bujacz, Maciej Ożóg, “Making Information Flows in Hybrid Space Tangible: an Analog RF Power Detector for Sonification of Wireless Network Traffic” The 20thInternational Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2014). June22-25, 2014

Pec M., Bujacz M. Strumillo P. “Low order modelling of head related transfer functions based on spectral smoothing and principal component analysis” The 19th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2013) July 06-10, 2013, pp. 207-212

Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumiłło P., "Naviton - a prototype mobility aid for auditory presentation of 3D scenes", Journal of Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 60, No. 9, 2012 September, pp. 696-708

Lusztak K, Bujacz M. Analysis of damping materials in a transmission line loudspeaker system. Proc. of Joint Conference: New Trends in Audio and Video / Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements and Applications, NTAV/SPA 2012, Lodz, Poland, pp. 119-123

Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumiłło P., Sonification of 3D scenes using personalized spatial audio to aid visually impaired persons, The 17th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD-2011) June 20-24, 2011, Budapest, Hungary, (Conference CD)

Bujacz M., Pec M., Skulimowski P., Strumiłło P. and Materka A., Sonification of 3D scenes in an electronic travel aid for the blind, in Advances in Sound Localization, Strumiłło P. (Ed.), Intech 2011, ISBN 978-953-307-224-1, pp. 251-268

Bujacz M., Strumiłło P., Dźwiękowa prezentacja otoczenia niewidomym: prototyp urządzenia Naviton, Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, nr 8-9/2011, str. 733-734

A.Dobrucki, P.Plaskota, P.Pruchnicki, M.Pec, M.Bujacz, P.Strumillo "Measurement System for Personalized Head-Related Transfer Functions and Its Verification by Virtual Source Localization Trials with Visually Impaired and Sighted Individuals" Journal of Audio Engineering Society, JAES, Volume 58 Issue 9, September 2010, str. 724-738

P. Skulimowski, M. Bujacz, P. Strumiłło "Detection and Parameter Estimation of Objects in a 3D Scene", 1st International Conference on Image Processing & Communications, Poland, 16-18 September, 2009 rozdział w książce: "Image Processing & Communications Challenges", Academy Publishing House EXIT, Warsaw 2009

M. Bujacz, P. Skulimowski, G. Wróblewski, A. Wojciechowski, P. Strumillo, "A Proposed Method for Sonification of 3D Environments Using Scene Segmentation and Personalized Spatial Audio", Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technology for People with Vision and Hearing Impairments CVHI2009, Wrocław 2009

Barański, P., Bujacz, M., Strumillo, P., "Dead reckoning navigation: supplementing pedestrian GPS with an accelerometer-based pedometer and an electronic compass" in Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2009, edited by Ryszard S. Romaniuk, Krzysztof S. Kulpa, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7502 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA 2009), str. 750216-750216-6.

P. Strumiłło, M. Pec, M. Bujacz, Modelowanie transmitancji akustycznej głowy - zastosowania w systemach dźwięku przestrzennego, VI Sympozjum Modelowanie i Symulacja Komputerowa w Technice, Łódź 2008, str. 145-148

M. Pec, M. Bujacz, P. Strumiłło, A. Materka, "Individual HRTF Measurements for Accurate Obstacle Sonification in an Electronic Travel Aid for the Blind", Proc. International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, pp. 235-238, Kraków, Poland, 14-17 Sept. 2008.

M. Bujacz, P. Barański, M. Morański, P. Strumiłło, A. Materka, "Remote mobility and navigation aid for the visually disabled", Proc. 7th Intl Conf. on Disability, Virtual Reality and Assoc. Technologies with Art ArtAbilitation, P.M. Sharkey, P. Lopes-dos-Santos, P.L. Weiss & A. L. Brooks (Eds.), Maia, Portugal, 2008, pp. 263-270.

M. Bujacz, P. Barański, M. Morański, P. Strumiłło, A. Materka, Remote guidance for the blind - a proposed Teleassistance system and navigation trials, International Conference on Human System Interaction, May 25-27 2008, Cracow, Poland, pp. 888-892.

M. Pec, M. Bujacz, P. Strumiłło, "Personalized head related transfer function measurement and verification through sound localization resolution", Proc. of the 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), September 2007, Poznań, Poland, pp. 2326-2330.

M. Bujacz, P. Strumiłło, "Synthetizing a 3D auditory scene for use in an electronic travel aid for the blind", Signal Processing Symposium SPS 2007, Jachranka Village May 24-26, 2007

M. Pec M., M. Bujacz, P. Strumiłło, "Head related transfer function measurement and processing for the purpose of creating a spatial sound environment", Signal Processing Symposium SPS 2007, Jachranka Village May 24-26, 2007

M. Pec, P. Strumiłło, P. Pełczyński, M. Bujacz, "O słyszeniu obrazów - systemy wspomagania osób niewidomych w percepcji otoczenia", Biuletyn Techniczno-Informacyjny Zarządu Oddziału Łódzkiego SEP, nr 6, 2006, str. 6-11.

P. Pełczyński, P. Strumiłło, M. Bujacz,"Formant-based speech synthesis in auditory presentation of 3d sceneelements to the blind", ACOUSTICS High Tatras 06 - 33rd International Acoustical Conference - EAA Symposium, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, October 4th - 6th, 2006, pp. 346-349.

P. Strumiłło, P. Pełczyński, M. Bujacz, M. Pec, "Space perception by means of acoustic images: an electronic travel aid for the blind", ACOUSTICS High Tatras 06 - 33rd International Acoustical Conference - EAA Symposium, Štrbské Pleso, Slovakia, October 4th - 6th, 2006, pp. 296-299.

P. Strumiłło, M. Pec, M. Bujacz, "Modelowanie transmitancji akustycznej głowy - zastosowania w systemach dźwięku przestrzennego", VI Sympozjum Modelowanie i Symulacja Komputerowa w Technice, Łódź 2008, str. 145-148.

M. Bujacz, P. Strumiłło , "Stereophonic representation of virtual 3D scenes - a simulated mobility aid for the blind", New Trends in Audio and Video, vol. 1 (Eds. A. Dobrucki, A. Petrovsky, W. Skarbek), Politechnika Białostocka, Rozprawy Naukowe nr 134, 2006, str. 157 - 162.




Trzeba biec z całych sił by pozostać w tym samym miejscu. Żeby poruszać się do przodu, trzeba biec dwa razy szybciej.

L. Carroll,  "Przygody Alicji w Krainie Czarów"

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Przydatne linki:
Instytut Elektroniki
telekomunikacja, elektronika medyczna, termografia
Politechnika Łódzka
strona główna Politechniki


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