Konsorcjum EECS
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Elementy systemu EECS
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Publikacje i prezentacje
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Publikacje i prezentacje

Prezentacje konferencyjne związane z realizacją projektu EECS:
1. RS3G Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, 16-17, November 2009, European Educational Connectivity Solution, T. Fridell, P. Korbel, P. Dębiec
2. CARTES & Identification Congress, Paris, France, 17-19.11.2009, Electronic student card for Polish universities - one card of numerous possibilities, M. Grochowski (Gemalto), M. Strzelecki
3. EUNIS Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 22 -25 June 2010, EECS - European Education Connectivity Solution, the Future Standard, Campus Card System - a Progress Report, T. Fridell, A. Materka, E. McKenna [EUNIS 2010]
4. CPI Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 8 March 2011 Information Technology in the University Management Support OPTIcamp: TUL prototype - example of the support of the international student exchange, P. Korbel, T. Długosz (OPTeam) [CPI 2011]
5. International Scientific Conference: Information Technology in Education, Krakow, Poland, 29-30.04.2011, Information system for student international exchange support, A. Materka, M. Strzelecki, P. Korbel, P. Dębiec (in Polish) [TIE 2011]
1. A. Materka, M. Strzelecki, P. Dębiec, Student's Electronic Card: A Secure Internet Database System For University Management Support, (eds. E. Tkacz, A. Kapczyński), Internet – Technical Development and Applications, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 64, Springer, 2009, pp. 59-72
2. S. Hausman, P. Dębiec, A. Materka, M. Strzelecki, S. Wiak, An innovative Internet database system for teaching assignment management and quality assurance at the Technical University of Łódź, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, 8, 2, 2010, pp. 168-174
3. A. Materka, P. Dębiec, M. Strzelecki, S. Hausman, S. Wiak, A secure Internet database system for teaching and research information management at the Technical University of Łódź, 1st WIETE Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology Education, Pattaya, Thailand, 22-25 February 2010, pp. 102-107
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