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  Link   Niepełnosprawni na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim
Pierwszy zamysł wyposażenia Uniwersytetu w sprzęt pozwalający niewidomym na korzystanie z komputerów i sieci Internet datuje się na wiosnę 1995 roku i był związany z realizacją prac nad komputeryzacją Biblioteki Głównej UG. Jednym z inicjatorów przed
  Link   GT Sonification Lab (Georgia Institute of Technology)
SWAN: System for Wearable Audio Navigation
  Link   Auditory perception and cognition lab
We are interested in how the ear and brain work together to interpret the complex array of acoustic information (speech, music, and environmental sounds) that we encounter in everyday life. The basic science that we perform has many practical applica
  Link   Yale Perception and Cognition Lab
We're a group of cognitive scientists who are interested in all aspects of perception, cognition, and how they relate to each other.
  Link   Visual Cognition Lab
This page provides links to information about Professor Daniel Simons' experiments on visual awareness that were described in Michael Shermer's column in the March issue of Scientific American. From here you can return to the Visual Cognition Labora
  Link   Second Sight, USA - retinal implants
Second Sight, USA was founded in 1998 to create a retinal prosthesis to provide sight to patients blinded from outer retinal degenerations, such as Retinitis Pigmentosa.
  Link   Institute for Innovative Blind Navigation Inc. (IIBN)
IIBN has received numerous grants since the agency's birth in 1997. Significant grants came from two sources: NEC Foundation of America Margaret McNally Charitable Trust
  Link   Doheny Eye Institute
The Doheny Retina Institute was established to emphasize clinical research and to speed the process of moving research findings to clinical care. The Retina Institute team has a record of success with the innovative "retina chip" designed to restore
  Link   SLAB - Auditory Displays Lab at NASA Ames Research Center
SLAB is a real-time virtual acoustic environment rendering system originally developed in the Spatial Auditory Displays Lab at NASA Ames Research Center. SLAB performs spatial 3D-sound processing allowing the arbitrary placement of sound sources in
  Link   PFRON
State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled
  Link   Polish Association of the Blind
  Link   NIDRR
The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
  Link   American Foundation for the Blind
  Link   British Computer Association of the Blind
(many interesting links)
  Link   Vision Rehabilitation Laboratory
  Link   SKERI
The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute
  Link   European Blind Union
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