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Projects and prototype systems
  Link   Micro Look
MicroLook - a device aiding the blind of Polish make awarded in Brussels.
  Link   Feelspace project - a tactile belt for the blind
The study project feelSpace is a research project at the Institute of Cognitive Science (IKW) at the University of Osnabrück. Our aim is to investigate the effects of long-term stimulation with orientation information on humans. In order to do this,
  Link   Talking Signs(R) Remote Infrared Audible Signage (RIAS)
  Link   Electronic Travel Aids
(review site)
  Link   Tyflos
  Link   Blind-enT
  Link   The Talking Signs
  Link   EAV
Virtual Acoustic Space
  Link   The MoBIC Project
  Link   The Wayfinding project
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