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  Link   Eye Resources on the Internet
This is a very large site containing links on various topics related to eye, eye conditions, and many institutions dealing with sight. This site was compiled on behalf of the Association of Vision Science Librarians and is maintained by Trish Duffe
  Link   GPS for the visually impaired
Review of systems at reasearch stage or commercialized applying GPS for the visually impaired
  Link   TIRESIAS - Making ICT Accessible for the visually impaired
Tiresias provides information on: ICT accessibility, research resources, design guidlines and standards
  Link   Personal Navigation Aids
A web site maintained by the Gdansk University, Poland devoted to: Modern Devices Facilitating Spacial Orientation Needs of Blind and Visually Impaired
  Link   The Silver Book - vision loss
The Silver Book is dedicated to age-related eye diseases and innovative medical research focused on treatment of these diseases.
  Link   Webvision: the organization of the retina and visual system
The goal of this webpage is to summarize knowledge and understanding of the mammalian retina and visual system. Webvision is arranged like a book with text and many illustrations.
  Link   WHO - statistical data on visual impairment
Data on magnitude and distribution (age, gender, geographic,..) of visual impairment
  Link   biotechnolog.net
Biotechnolog.net - "nowe biohoryzonty" to serwis informacyjny poświęcony biotechnologii i biologii molekularnej.
Copyright 2024   Institute of Electronics, Technical University of Lodz.