Ministry of Scientific Research and Information Technology grant (2003-2005)


Hardware implementation of CMOS VLSI circuit of synchronized oscillators network

for segmentation of binary images



 Project head: dr Michal Strzelecki


The objective of this project is to design and implement CMOS VLSI circuit with the structure of synchronized oscillators network. This circuit will be used for segmentation of binary images, eg. for analysis of microscopic skin images. Oscillators network segmentation method is based on temporary correlation theory, which tries to explain how the scene analysis is performed by human brain. Computer simulations of oscillator network proved that it is a reliable tool for segmentation of textured biomedical images. Project realization will comprise simulation, design, implementation and testing of network circuit. It will be manufactured by means of Europractice consortium. Next, the PCI computer card will be designed and constructed to provide the interface between network chip and PC computer. Finally, the PC computer equipped with this card will be used for functional chip testing and segmentation of binary images.

Preliminary simulation results of oscillator network using SPICE/ICAP4 software by INTUSOFT were presented in:

·        M. Strzelecki, J. Kowalski, A CMOS oscillator circuit model for image segmentation, Proc. of the I National Conference on Electronics, Kołobrzeg, Poland, June 10-12, 2002, 253-258 (in Polish)

·        J. Kowalski, M. Strzelecki, A CMOS circuit design of oscillators network for segmentation of binary images, Proc. of the II National Conference on Electronics, Kołobrzeg, Poland, June 9-12, 2003, 169-174 (in Polish)


        The network chip was realized as VLSI CMOS ASIC circuit using AMIS 0.35µm technology by means of Europractice. Simulation and measurement results of chip functional blocs along with segmentation of sample binary image were presented in:

·        J. Kowalski, M. Strzelecki, A De Vos, Relaxation oscillator circuit design for image segmentation, Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing 2004, 24 September 2004, Poznan, Poland, pp. 27-31

·        J. Kowalski, M. Strzelecki, Weryfikacja pomiarowa bloków funkcjonalnych CMOS układu scalonego VLSI sieci oscylatorów do segmentacji obrazów binarnych, materiały IV Krajowej Konferencji Elektroniki, 13-15 czerwiec 2005, Darłowo, pp. 519-524 (in Polish)

·        J. Kowalski, M. Strzelecki, CMOS VLSI Chip for Segmentation of Binary Images, Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing 2005, 30 September 2005, Poznan, Poland, pp. 251-256

·        J. Kowalski, M. Strzelecki, P. Majewski, CMOS VLSI Chip of Network of Synchronised Oscillators: Functional Tests Results, Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing 2006, 29 September 2006, Poznan, Poland, pp. 71-76